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What The Heck Is A Facial Cleansing Oil?!

Sally Mildenhall

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

Our skin doesn’t want to be oil free

When will the skincare industry stop all its marketing hype and admit that our skin doesn’t want to be oil free, it doesn’t want to be harshly cleansed, it doesn’t want to be stripped dry. Our skins naturally produce oil to help protect our skin. Sebaceous glands or oil glands in the skin produce oil which combines with secretions from the Eccrine glands or sweat glands and spreads across the outer layer of the skin and creates a protective layer known as the Acid Mantle. This Acid Mantle or protective layer is hugely important. It prevents the skin from drying out and protects it from harmful substances and bacteria.

Standard cleansers strip the Acid Mantle away to achieve that squeaky clean feeling that we have been led to believe is good. The skin then has to race to rebuild that protective layer. In the meantime the skin is vulnerable and weak and we are told to do this to our skin twice daily!!!!

Here at Flower Power we believe that Facial cleansing with oils is healing, restorative and naturally compatible. Of course if we cleanse our skin gently and naturally like this there might come a time where we don’t need moisturisers, imagine that!!! The skin care giants don’t want us knowing that do they, that wouldn’t be too good for their bottom line.

But how does oil cleanse the skin

Like dissolves like which means oil dissolves oil. Other cleansers have Surfactants or detergents to dissolve the oil which leave the skin dry and depleted.

Cleansing oils combine with the excess oils like sebum or those found in skin care products and makeup plus the debris on the skins surface. When the oil is rinsed off with warm water it takes the the oil and debris with it.

Why not just baby oil then

Baby oil contains mineral oil, lanolin and fragrance. Mineral oil just forms an occlusive layer over the top of everything- good and bad and seals the whole lot in.inhibiting the skins natural ability to breath and blocking pores. Lanolin too is a full occlusive, it also has a bad rep for irritating the skin and causing allergic reactions. The fragrance in baby oil is synthetic another problem for our poor old liver to deal with.

At Flower Power we use botanical plant oils because they remove impurities while maintaining moisture without harming the skins precious barrier- the Acid Mantle.

Wont oil clog my pores

There are three main way pores become clogged.

Using skin products that contain occlusive ingredients ( ingredients that form a full barrier) they seal in everything good and bad Comedogenic is the term for this. The cellular debris , makeup etc gets locked into the pore.Not cleansing your skin at all, the makeup, cellular debris, excess sebum all just stays in the pore stretching it wider and wider.The fats and oils you consume through your diet. What ever fats you consume become the building blocks for your own skins oil production. Saturated fats give thick heavy oil, Trans fats give greasy sticky oil, Essential fatty acids give luminous silky oil.

So will Cleansing Oils clog my pores, definitely not. They will saponify that thick have or greasy and sticky oil so it can be removed from your skin.

Why Flower Power Facial Cleansing Oils

At Flower Power we carefully select each botanical and essential oil and combine them to bring about the best for each skin type. We don’t use any full occlusives in our products. Each combo has a percentage of Castor Oil which is a natural astringent that readily pulls away oils and impurities. All our products honestly care for your skin, reduce your chemical load, are kind to our Mother earth.

We love how our skin feels with these cleansing oils and our skins are glowing. Join the revolution, it makes sense.

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