Skin Soaking Cloth Set
The upper layers of your skin are very dependant on water to perform properly, without water our skin becomes dehydrated. Immerse your soaking cloth in warm water, wring out the excess and press the warm damp cloth to your face and neck area. Take 5 deep belly breaths slowly, repeat this 3x. Not only will you of rehydrated your skin cells but you’ve calmed your body as well.
The little enzymes that live in the outermost layer or roof of the skin are totally dependant on a drink of water to do their jobs properly. Without it they become sleepy and the skin cells or roof tiles start lifting and curling up. This allows all the goodies to seep out and the baddies to start creeping in.
The thirsty little enzymes in combination with air-conditioning, low humidity, harsh shampoos and cleansers all contribute to a poor roof. For us this feels and looks like either tight dry skin, larger looking pores, red angry skin, or just dull skin. Our exterior skin needs a balance of moisture (water) and oil to function perfectly, so how do we ensure it gets the water component it needs, we have to add it topically.
Drinking water isn’t enough, the upper layers of the skin can’t dip into the internal reservoir so we must do it topically. we need to give the skin a drink.
The 2 most important things to remember when giving the skin a drink of water are-
1. You must apply your skin care products immediately after soaking, while the skin is still damp, this locks in the moisture.
2. Your skin can’t hold onto water for longer than 12 hours so you need to soak it morning and night.
It is so easy, immerse your soaking cloth in warm water, wring out the excess and press the warm damp cloth to your face and neck area. Take 5 deep belly breaths slowly, repeat this 3x.
Not only will you of rehydrated your skin cells but you’ve calmed your body as well.